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Spiritual Lessons: A Reflection of 2023

As I reflect on 2023, I feel an array of emotions, both mentally and spiritually, that I was challenged with, both good and bad. God has tested my faithfulness on several occasions, and sometimes I failed, but sometimes I passed. I realize in life we often put pressure on ourselves to produce certain outcomes, to have “all” the answers, and put ourselves ahead of what God is trying to show us, as if we know better than Him.  

The clinic went through a difficult time financially and we all worked together to cut costs - such as reducing staff hours and relinquishing my upstairs office to reduce the rent.  

I asked God numerous times, “What am I doing wrong?” I was down on myself and felt I had missed something or should be doing something different. I was held hostage by the notion that “I” wasn’t doing enough. 

God set me straight when I hit the bottom of my despair and cried out to Him. I realized it was never about me, it was about Him. I needed to do the work, pray, wait patiently, and repeat.  

As I was about to go on vacation, just before Christmas, I checked our QuickBooks account, and it was the lowest I had seen it in the four years I had been here. In that moment, I had a choice. I made a promise to God when I hit rock bottom that I would put my faith in Him and not myself. So, I looked at the number on the screen and said, “Lord, you have this. You know our needs better than anyone and I put my trust in You.” 

I closed the screen and didn’t look at it again until after Christmas. We had a year-end goal of $50k and surpassed it by $28k! We received $78k, the most we had ever received for year-end giving since I came on board. I had tears of joy! Not only because of the money that we desperately needed, but because I passed the test and kept my promise to God. 

Maybe you are in that place right now, so please take to heart what I have learned. 

God is ALWAYS present even when you can’t feel Him in the depths of despair. He is NEVER late. His timing is PERFECT. He LOVES us beyond anything we deserve. 

2024 is going to be amazing! We will serve our clients with our hearts wide open and share the love to them as God so graciously does with us in His ministry at Informed Choices. 

Please continue to pray for us, talk to others about us, and give to our ministry because it is vital for the future of the smallest and most vulnerable, the babies. Together, we can continue our mission of Supporting Women and Upholding LIFE!

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