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Nurse and woman looking at a positive pregnancy test.

Know Before You Decide

We provide free pregnancy services so you can know for sure.

verify your pregnancy

Your first step is to find out if you are actually pregnant. A missed period is the most common indication, but it doesn’t necessarily mean you’re pregnant.


Pregnancy tests are an indicator of pregnancy, not a confirmation.


Pregnancy tests can provide invalid results, and false positives can still happen. Hormonal changes, stress, diet, and exercise all influence your cycle and reproductive health. Home tests can produce incorrect results for other reasons as well. 

confirm your pregnancy

If your pregnancy test is positive, it is important to see if your pregnancy is intrauterine (in the uterus), viable (heartbeat detected), and determine gestational age (how far along you are). 


Following a positive pregnancy test and based on your last menstrual period, you will be offered a free limited obstetric ultrasound.

Decide your next steps

We understand the issues facing an unexpected pregnancy and are committed to providing you with an options consultation in a warm, safe, and supportive environment where you can process your choices. 


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