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Events for Clients

Stay up to date with events and classes at Informed Choices

Informed Choices Care Kit box

Free Baby Care Kit!

Our Baby Care Kit Distribution is February 15, 2024 from 10 AM - 12 PM (while supplies last)

To maintain traffic flow and for the safety of all volunteers, recipients must head north on Eigleberry Street to Informed Choices to receive their FREE kit. Further direction will be given upon arrival.

Each recipient will receive a Baby Care Kit box filled with 24 diapers (one size diaper per kit sizes 1 – 5), 1 pack of wipes, 1 diaper cream, 1 baby wash, and 1 washcloth *while supplies last*. 

Call 408-847-8880 to learn more. 

blonde girl wearing black hat sitting outside looking at mountains

Recovery Care
Post Abortion Support Group

At Informed Choices, we provide a comprehensive network of education to individuals facing abortion-related concerns.


Our post abortive study is an 8-session video-based study that helps women find the path to healing through an honest, interactive study, meaningful group experiences, and journaling exercises in a confidential, caring community.

If you would like to talk to someone about your abortion experience, we are here for you. All contacts, classes, calls, and meetings are confidential. Call

408-847-8880 or email to learn more. 

The next study group session is scheduled for Wednesdays beginning February 12th to April 2nd from 5:30 PM - 7 PM. 

group of young mom friends and baby boy

Informed Moms

You are invited to attend our Informed Moms Workshops where you will meet with other moms as you explore important topics with an expert. You will build friendships, grow in confidence, and have a safe space to share, learn, and ask questions. We are here to support you on your journey through motherhood! Participation is FREE! (English and Spanish sessions offered)

2024-2025 Workshop Dates:

  • September 21, 2024: Bonding with Your Unborn Baby

  • November 16, 2024: Eating for Two/Fitness/Wellness during pregnancy

  • February 15th, 2025: Labor and Delivery - Getting ready

  • March 15, 2025: Simply Breastfeeding/Feeding your baby

  • May 17, 2025: Infant CPR

    • *This is not a certified CPR class*

Questions? Contact us at 408-847-8880 or

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