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Season of Growth and Expansion

Throughout the year I review the effectiveness of programs, services, and the platforms we use to ensure best practices for the business. Upon reviewing these areas, I found the mobile unit was not reaching clients at the level at which it was intended. In addition, the number of staff and volunteers needed to man the mobile unit was proving costly and essentially taking them away from the clinic where the number of clients has nearly tripled in the last two years. It made sense to bring this finding up to the board.

Upon sharing this information with the board members, and after thoughtful discussion, it was voted in favor of retiring the mobile unit. Before going public with the board’s decision, I knew I needed to reach out to Nancy Hoiberg, former Mobile Unit and Safety Nurse at Informed Choices, because she was responsible for donating the mobile unit to Informed Choices. I explained to Nancy that the effort made to use the mobile unit in our community could not hold a candle to the activity taking place with in the clinic and therefore we would be retiring the mobile unit. She was very supportive of our decision and was grateful to know the clinic was thriving.

“God prunes us when He is about to take us into a new season of growth and expansion.”

~ Christine Caine

God has blessed the clinic in a magnitude of ways, one of which has been nearly tripling the number of clients we have seen in the clinic since 2020. In 2020, we served 386 women, and in 2021 we served 713 women. This year we are on track to see close to 900 clients!

The mobile unit currently houses an ultrasound machine that would have a significant impact on the clients served in the clinic, so we are working on a plan to build an additional ultrasound room to better serve the women we support. We know some of you were contributors to the inception of the mobile unit and we are grateful to have you be a part of that journey! Please know your contributions and involvement are continuing to be a part of our ever-changing journey. The same great service we provide is only moving platforms and expanding our ability to serve our clients.

We appreciate your understanding and support and look to you, our committed donors, to continue Supporting Women and Upholding Life alongside us because without you there is no Informed Choices.

If you have questions, please feel free to contact me.

God bless you!

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