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by Jenna Kammann, RN Staff Nurse

Nadia came to Informed Choices very early on in her pregnancy. She came from a broken family and was in an unhealthy relationship with an addict who was pressuring her to have an abortion. I remember sitting with her in the consultation room after getting her positive pregnancy test results. She was in tears. She looked scared and could barely make eye contact with me as we talked through her options and situation. She said she felt such shame, but after seeing her baby on the ultrasound and hearing the heartbeat, Nadia decided to keep the baby.

Through the course of her pregnancy, she came into the clinic and participated in our Informed Mom's Workshops. She welcomed the maternity clothing, when her belly began to grow. The ultimate delight was seeing her baby's development as Nadia also took part in our Ultrasound Model Program, tearing up every time she saw the baby. At a subsequent visit, Nadia told me she had left her boyfriend and had moved in with her aunt, who was supportive and helped her get back on her feet. She found a part-time job and was taking a class at a local Junior College. She told me she felt the baby was already making her a better person.

Nadia gave birth to a beautiful, healthy baby boy.

She still comes into the clinic for baby clothes and supplies and is always so thoughtful by donating items that her son has outgrown. She has explained that she wants other young moms in her situation to benefit as well. I have witnessed her lovingly hold him and speak so happily of all the milestones he has been meeting. I have also noticed that she now stands with much more confidence and looks me square in the eye when she speaks to me. A deep sense of overwhelming pride and respect for herself is visible as this young baby's mom. At her most recent visit to the clinic, Nadia confided in me about how her precious little one had become her saving grace.

It's truly amazing how a tiny human being can have such a profound impact. We are honored to be part of Nadia's journey and we hope that her story inspires you as much as it has inspired us.

*client name and details changed to protect her privacy

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