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His Burden is Light

Sara* came into the clinic and sat quietly in our waiting room. She had scheduled a pregnancy test at our clinic after having a positive home test. I noticed she averted her eyes when we talked. She sat with her shoulders rounded forward, a sad look in her eyes.  

Lost…Heavy burdened… 

We went into the consultation room, and after telling her that her test was positive she began to cry. She shared her story with me. This pregnancy was not planned. She and her boyfriend had been together for over a year, yet he and his family were pressuring her to have an abortion. They spoke to her about all the burdens that a baby would bring upon them as a young couple. She felt scared and unsupported. Fear filled her heart. 

Her story continued to unfold as she told me about her family situation and the burden she felt as the oldest daughter to help provide for the entire family. She had confided in her parents about the pregnancy. They told her that they would support her as best they could if she decided to have the baby. She told me her dad came into her room later that same night and told her that he had already felt love in his heart for her baby. She told me she wished her dad’s words were stronger in her head and heart than the harsh words spoken to her by her boyfriend and his family. She said she felt like they had placed a huge burden over what she had initially felt was a special gift when she first looked down and saw that her pregnancy test was positive.  

Her story continued as we performed the ultrasound. The images of her baby and the beating of the heart brought her to tears.  

We prayed together...and I read aloud Matthew 11:28, 

“Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” 

She spoke quietly afterwards, but her words were bold. Despite the burdens, she said that she was keeping her baby. She wanted to be a mother. The words of her father were starting to grow stronger and louder as she began to feel that same love in her own heart.  

*Name changed to protect our client's privacy.

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