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Fathers Have A Voice Too

Laura Geffre

A mother and her partner walk into Informed Choices for their appointment. After her paperwork is processed, she is taken into the consultation room to speak with a client advocate or nurse about her parenting stance. 

She utters the words that she wants an abortion. The room can feel a bit heavy because a deeper conversation must ensue, and questions must be asked. 

Once the assessment is completed, the partner is invited into the ultrasound room to witness the ultrasound of their baby. During the ultrasound, the mother is often in one of two positions: she still wants to have the abortion or she wants to keep the baby, but is acting as if she is fine having an abortion. 

These two very different scenarios both include the father’s voice. In the first scenario, the father may lack a voice. He wants to keep his baby, but will say it is “her body, her choice.” 

In the second scenario, the father may be insistent that she have an abortion, which makes her feel that she must follow through with it. 

Care Net (an affiliate of Informed Choices) conducted a survey of 1,000 post-abortive women. Of the surveyed post-abortive women, 64% had the abortion because their partner wanted it. Our nursing staff thinks that number may be higher in our clinic. 

This is a tragedy. We are aware that men are scared, too. Some did not grow up with fathers or had fathers who ended up in prison or addicted to drugs. Many of the men have no one to turn to for mentorship or advice, so out of fear of thinking they will be a terrible father or stressed about how to provide for them, they choose abortion. 

We have recognized this and have been praying for a development plan to create a Men’s Advocate team. 

God has heard our prayers over the last four years and has begun to assemble the pieces. We are in the midst of creating such a team and hope to have a program launched by the fall of 2024. 

We ask YOU, our faithful partners, to pray this team comes together to support and equip men to handle fatherhood so lives can be saved and transformed.

God’s timing is perfect and we are excited about this new venture at Informed Choices!

Thank you for supporting Informed Choices and helping us keep families together. 

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