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Beautiful blessings

Jenna Kammann, RN

I walked into our consultation room one afternoon, and saw a beautiful young women anxiously sitting in the chair waiting for me. She had come into our clinic for a pregnancy test. As I entered the room, she looked up at me with such worry in her eyes. I sat down and delivered the results of her pregnancy test. Positive. Her eyes began to well with tears. I sat with her, uncertain of the nature of her tears. She began to tell me her story. 

She had suffered a miscarriage a few months before. The tears began to slide down her cheeks as she told me that even though she had been early in her pregnancy, she felt such love for her baby and she and her boyfriend, the father of the baby, had such sorrow in their hearts. She shared with me through saddened eyes that she was afraid to hold on to hope for this new pregnancy, to begin loving this new life growing inside of her. She said it felt emotionally overwhelming. 

We sat together in that uncertainty and even though she was not a women of faith, I asked her if we could pray for her heart and this new miracle of life. She took my hand and we prayed. 

Afterwards she said she felt such peace in her heart...a peace she had never felt before.

We proceeded into the ultrasound room. As she laid back on the table, she said she was still nervous, but that “peace” was still so present. 

I placed the transducer on her tummy. I caught my breathe as I saw the image on my screen. I could feel my own eyes begin to brim with tears. 

There, brightly lit, on our ultrasound screen appeared two sacs, two babies, two heartbeats…..twins. 

I heard her let out a little gasp as she turned and looked at me asking the question “Is that two?”. I said yes, and the tears began again, this time tears along with the biggest smile. 

When the scan was complete she asked me if we could pray again. She said she wanted that same “peace” she felt in the consultation room to be felt by her twins in their hearts.

We prayed, we cried, we celebrated these two precious lives. She left the appointment telling me how thankful she was for these blessings that had been given to her. I agreed, such beautiful blessings from our tender- hearted God.

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2 Kommentare

Paul Curto
Paul Curto
01. Aug. 2024

What an inspiration and beautiful story!

Gefällt mir

Ruby Gil
Ruby Gil
01. Aug. 2024

Absolutely beautiful!! God, You are SO good!!

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