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Laura Geffre

Dear Supporters,

I hope this letter finds you in good health and spirits!

As we wrap up another year at Informed Choices, I thought it would been encouraging for you to see some of the goals we were able to achieve in 2022, largely in part because of YOUR unwavering support.

  • Added limited STD testing to our pregnancy services

  • Hired a bookkeeper

  • Distributed 356 Baby Care Kits (150 more than in 2021!)

  • Provided abortion pill reversal to three women, saving three babies’ lives!

  • Developed and implemented a new website

  • Added a Spanish-speaking session to our Informed Moms workshops

  • Expanded marketing technology that specializes in reaching and connecting abortion-minded women with our clinic

  • On track to serve 20% more clients

We are so encouraged by what we have been able to accomplish in 2022!

Each year I take time to reflect on what we have accomplished at Informed Choices and analyze where we can make improvements in the coming year. This evaluation helps in creating our strategic plan for the new year and a plan of execution for our goals. After reflecting delightfully on what we had accomplished, I turned to the thoughts and ideas God has laid on our teams’ hearts moving forward.

We have big goals and hope some of the goals can be completed in 2023, but it is imperative to manage our current budget before casting our net too wide. Below are several goals for 2023 and beyond:

  • Add a second ultrasound room

  • Open an offsite resource center

  • Hire a (3rd) nurse

  • Hire a (2nd) Spanish-speaking receptionist

  • Open a maternity home

  • Purchase the building we currently rent

We are aligned with a fiscal budget that begins on July 1st of every year and ends on June 30th of the following year. Our budget through June 30, 2023, is $422,000.

To date, we have received approximately $100,000 in monetary donations. We have seven and a half months to go and need to make up $322,000 to meet our budget goals. It currently costs $35,000 a month to run the clinic. We receive $7,500 a month in recurring donations. We cannot achieve our goals for 2023 until we stabilize our current budget.

If you are not currently a monthly donor, would you please consider it?

The examples below show what your monthly donation will provide our clients.

  • $25 monthly donation = One limited STD test or one baby care kit

  • $50 monthly donation = Provides our clinic with prenatal vitamins

  • $100 monthly donation = Helps to provide one pregnancy services appointment

  • $250 monthly donation = Covers medical clinic expenses

  • $500 or more monthly donation = Contributes to operating expenses

Informed Choices is growing in many ways and we thank God and YOU, our supporters, for helping us expand vital areas of our organization. Please pray for the staff, board and volunteers, that God would continue to guide and direct their steps and keep them energized for the year ahead.

I pray you and your families have an amazing Christmas and New Year! We look forward to what is in store for Informed Choices and the impact we will continue to have in our community. We hope you will continue to be part of our journey!

God bless you and Merry Christmas!

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